
Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark - Classic Turn-based Tactical RPG

Created by 6 Eyes Studio

Tactical JRPG inspired by the classics, featuring beautifully hand-drawn environments, a mature story and an intricate class system.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Missions and Monsters, a big expansion for Fell Seal is now available!
almost 4 years ago – Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 09:11:55 PM

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since we've had an update on here. Mainly because the game has been out for over a year now, in no small part thanks to everyone's support. Thanks again! :)

We thought some of you might be interested in knowing we've just released a big expansion for Fell Seal, called Missions and Monsters.

Chances are most of you are already familiar with it, since we've been running a devlog on the expansion's design and creation process on our Steam page, but for anyone that might have missed it, here are all the juicy details!

Missions and Monsters focuses on enriching and expanding the gameplay and mechanics of Fell Seal, while adding a lot of new content and challenges. 

First, you'll now be able to recruit monsters as well as customize them with their own set of classes. Monsters have access to 18 monster classes, called Variants. Variants have less active abilities than human classes, but monsters can equip up to 2 at once, on top of their base monster class, which gives them a total of 6 passives and 3 sets of actives. They can't freely select their passives like humans, as the passives are tied to the variant itself, but they do get 2 more. This gives them a unique kind of flexibility and should open many build opportunities for them. You'll be able to recruit monsters in combat or as rewards from running missions for the guild. And of course, you'll be able to customize their visuals extensively!

This brings us to Missions, which is more or less the glue that binds together all the other additions to the expansion. The whole of Teora is divided in multiple zones and each have access to their own set of missions. Running missions will reward the player with a slew of things, including EXP, AP, new and exciting gear, recruits, new zones and crafting materials.  Missions are automated once you pick a crew to send on them, but the units you sent on the mission won't be available in battle until they are done with the mission. As such, they are a good way to bolster the experience of your reserve units. Tied to the missions in the guild upgrade system, which allows each zone to be customized with various boosts, that will impact missions, patrols or even have a global effect. Running every mission in a zone will unlock a challenging special encounter for that zone with special rewards. It'll be hard though! You've been warned! ;)

We've also added new areas, new patrols, large-scale encounters (where you can field up to 9 units for example) and the new and challenging Hunts. Hunts are special encounters where you'll be facing a custom-made monster with a special set of variants. These monsters might have minions of their own, special mechanics or force you to fight with a smaller strike force. But one thing will remain constant: they are very challenging encounters and will require you best tactical performance!

It's not all about monsters though, and we're also adding 3 new human classes.

First is the Samurai. The samurai is a damage-oriented class, with powerful abilities that come with added risk and drawbacks to the user. They also have special abilities to help control the field, and the powerful Razor Wind passive, that lets them use almost any Skill as a "range 4" skill regardless of its usual range. This makes them quite versatile, but you'll have to be careful with some of those double-edged moves of theirs...

Next is the Wrangler. The Wrangler is a monster specialist and focuses on bolstering your own monster forces, or hindering enemy monsters. They boast some of the most unique skills in the game, such as Tag Team, that lets you swap out a deployed monster for a reserve monster mid battle for example. They also have access to the Tame ability, that lets you recruit enemy monsters during battle and adds them permanently to your roster.

Finally is the Beastmaster. The Beastmaster has access to a slew of cute monster pets that they can summon in battle. They can summon up to 3 at once and the pets remain with the caster during battle until they are dismissed or replaced. Every pet has an effect when they are summoned, much like a regular ability, but they also have a special effect that applies around the caster at the end of every one of their turn. They can also choose to dismiss the pets by using special "dismissal spells" with a wide variety of effects. The more pets are dismissed, the stronger the effect. This opens up a lot of different play styles for the Beastmaster and gives them incredible versatility. Much like the Gadgeteer class, Beastmasters pets aren't learned through the skill tree, but obtained and shared by the whole team. You obtain a new pet by recruiting the corresponding monster. So, to get the Arpia pet, you'll need to recruit an Arpia monster, for example.

We're also adding a ton of new gear. These new pieces of equipment aren't simple upgrades to existing gear though. Most of them have unique effects and are designed to open up new builds or bolster up existing weaker builds. Or to just plain be awesome and exciting, haha.

You can check out the expansion on our Steam page right here (it's also on all consoles through the console's store)!

Art/Manual Booklet and PS4 keys notes
about 5 years ago – Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 02:07:52 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Console Keys!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 04:27:06 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Release date and sending all keys!
about 5 years ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 01:36:30 AM


Hello everyone!

Fell Seal: Arbiter's Mark is finally complete and will release on April 30th, on Steam, Gog, PS4 and Xbox One (and some other PC stores)!

It's been a very exciting journey, although it's taken a tad longer than we initially anticipated. But we like to think we used the extra time wisely and ended up adding more features than initially expected and a ton of polish!

We'd like to give everyone a big thank you again for the support! It's been truly incredible and we couldn't have made it without you guys!


We are currently sending all remaining keys, which include any non-Steam keys, the OST keys and the Art/Manual booklet. Backerkit should send an email (probably one for each individual product you have, such as the OST, the manual and your Xbox One key) to your Kickstarter-registered email very soon. As usual, check your junk folder and the likes if you're not seeing the email.

If you can't find your key, you can always check on your Fell Seal page on Backerkit ( or email us about it and we'll help you out. There is a very small number of people that haven't yet filled their surveys and it's likely you'll have to contact us directly to wrap things up if you're in that group. But no worries, we'll make it work :)

As an extra note, I'm told our GOG page isn't finalized yet and might look "weird" until it is, so if you have a DRM-Free pledge, keep that in mind and don't worry about it: it should be all nice looking by April 30th!


At this point, since we're releasing soon, the best spot to get a glimpse of everything would be on our Steam page, as it has our latest trailer and screenshots. Just check it out right here:

Closing Words:

Once again, we want to thank everyone for the incredible support and you hope you've enjoyed our Kickstarter! We're not sure what our next move will be at this point, but keep an eye out for us! It's very likely you'll see us again on Kickstarter soon enough!

...but not THAT soon, as we plan on providing support for Fell Seal for a while yet :)

Thanks again!

The 6 Eyes Studio team, Pierre and Christina.

The final stretch!
about 5 years ago – Sun, Mar 24, 2019 at 07:49:48 PM

Release at the end of April

Greetings everyone!

It's been a while since our last update, as we've been incredibly busy packing as much content as we can into Fell Seal before its imminent release!

The game will be releasing at the end of April, so we're in the final stretch, making sure everything is as good as it can be for release. This last month will be spent on polish, balance tuning and some last few additions to the UI that we've been putting off until we could get to them.

Product Keys

Just a quick reminder for anyone that might have missed it somehow but: for any backer that chose Steam as their platform of choice, all keys have been sent a very long time ago (a little 7 months ago by now). You should have gotten an email with your key back then, and you can also check your key in your Backerkit profile for Fell Seal ( in the "digital downloads" section.

If there's any trouble on that front, just send us an email and we'll send you the key directly as well, no problem!

For anyone that requested a DRM-Free key or a Console key, those will be sent about 2 weeks before release. We know it's a little annoying, but there's not much we can do on that front, as that's just how those providers work.

For the soundtrack and the digital art/instruction booklet, that will also be sent about 2 weeks before release, as we're adding the final polish touches to those.

Finally, there is no official announcement yet, but we're very confident that the game will end up on the Switch, although that will be "later than April". If anyone would like to select a Switch Key instead, you can send us an email about that and we'll add a note in your information. Once again though, we expect any Switch version to come later than April, so keep that in mind...

Progress Report

Since our last update, there's been a ton of progress and we added a ton of content and features. At this point, the only content missing is our special "end-game" optional dungeon, called the Ancient Path. It's a big 7 maps dungeon with tough battles and special loot and it's about 50% done.

Other than that, the game is actually finished at this point, including all localization, extra content, story, optional character-events, and 2 different endings. We got in all the content we wanted to, including 2 bonus characters, many optional quests, special enemies, etc.

The game is looking very good and we're very happy with where it stands right now!

As we mentioned, the final bit from now on is more polish and fine tuning!

Some of the latest content we added include an "obelisk" system, where the player needs to locate and activate 8 obelisks spread across many battle maps. Each obelisk gives a piece of a riddle and once all 8 pieces are gathered, the riddle will lead the player to a special location with some unique and powerful items.

The first Obelisk the player can find.
The first Obelisk the player can find.

We also added special enemies that randomly spawn during patrols with a chance for special loot or bonus AP. They will only start appearing after a certain point in the story and will escape battle after some amount of time has passed. You'll only receive your bonus loot if you manage to defeat them before they flee!

Those enemies have an increasing chance of spawning for every battle you don't encounter them (or that they flee), so you'll definitely end up encountering them after a bit. This last part is to make it so "saving/loading" isn't an especially viable strategy, since it isn't very fun to do that in the first place anyways.

A zotzit. A special enemy that yields a big AP bonus upon being defeated: if you can manage it!
A zotzit. A special enemy that yields a big AP bonus upon being defeated: if you can manage it!

We have a lot of extra content, including a few special quests that involve gathering some special key items to unlock new content. It'll involve some challenging battles, as well as solving some riddles to get it all done!

One of our optional boss enemies.
One of our optional boss enemies.

We of course added a lot of new spells and we're finally done with those. Here are the last 2 ones we added:

Sagittarian Cavalry
Sagittarian Cavalry

Thanks again to everyone for your support! It's what's allowed us to come this far!

- Pierre and Christina Leclerc